Friday, November 21, 2014

There she sits wondering as she keeps a smile on her face not letting anyone know how she feels inside for she feels that she has been used by the one she believed would make her smile  every day and have a reason more in her life to smile and be happy but ..........
She has been played, getting told that she was in his thoughts,
She was not aware that he had someone else he thought about and made happy,
That really broke her but this time it was worse as for she had never felt this way for a certain someone, 
Now she tries to forget everything for it does not work and next thing you know she is back thinking about that bringing back moments she thought were special to her and to him but 
She tries every-way to forget him but he appears in her thoughts every time ..........
She is a shy girl that keeps everything inside and doesn't want any one to realize what she is going through, 
Today she doesn't feel like her self ever since that happened but she still tries to be herself around that person even though it hurts her when she sees him with other girls..., 
She tries to let go but his thoughts come back and she begins to wonder if he stills think about her.........

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